Hello Toribashians,
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use PayPal without having a Credit Card, not even a Bank Account.
If you already have a PayPal account, read the PART B. If not, read every parts.
Enjoy this tutorial !
PART 0 - Requirements
You'll need :
- A PayPal account*You'll need :
- A friend to give you some money
*If you don't have a PayPal account yet, read every parts of this tutorial (Howto : Create a Paypal account)
PART A - Howto : Create a PayPal account
1. Follow this link : click https://www.paypal.com

2. Click on : "Create an account"
3. Choose your country, and favorite language, and then, click on "[Personal Account] Start Now".
4. Fill in your informations, and then, click on "I agree. Create my account".
5. You'll now be on the
6. Now, just click on the "Continue" button and follow the steps !
You have created your new PayPal account.
PART B - Howto : Make transactions with Paypal without Credit Card or Bank Account
1. If not, login into your PayPal account.
2. You'll be on the
3. New page. You'll have to fill in the informations. I will use Toribash for an example. Let's say, I want to buy a Toribooster x1000 for 3 months. In the {to} TextBox, write : "billing@toribash.com". In the {Amount} TextBox, write "270". Don't touch the currency. In the {for} CheckBoxes, check the "Service/Other" CheckBox. And then, click "Send Money"*.
*You'll need some money to make this. This is why you need to have a friend that will give you some money on your PayPal account.
5. Now, get on IRC and tell Hampa (or another Administrator) that you've sent $270 to billing@toribash.com to get a Toribooster x1000. And then, you'll obtain your Toribooster x1000, either instantly, or after a day or two !
I hope that Nabi Studios will get richer, and I also hope that now, every players who wanted a Toribooster will be able to have one

I hope it's been useful.
Thanks for reading it,
Thanks for reading it,
PS : Thanks to Boaf for telling me where do I have to post this thread ;)
PS2 : I might add some pictures for you

Asa syarikat pinjaman pinjaman bersedia untuk meminjamkan mana-mana jumlah yang anda perlukan untuk memulakan perniagaan peribadi anda. kami memberi pinjaman pada kadar faedah 3%, juga jika anda ingin membeli rumah di atas ansuran bulanan kita juga boleh menjual rumah untuk anda. supaya Sila memohon pinjaman pertanian pertanian. jika anda memerlukan hubungan pinjaman e-mel kami: asaloantransfer@gmail.com, anda juga boleh menghubungi e-mel ini: finance_institute2015@outlook.com, Mungkin ada banyak sebab mengapa anda perlu akses kepada beberapa wang tunai tambahan - daripada yang tidak dijangka pembaikan kereta atau rumah untuk membayar perkahwinan anda atau cuti khas. Tetapi apa sahaja yang anda memerlukannya, apabila anda meminjam antara $ 5,000 USD untuk 100,000 USD di atas.
pengkhususan Syarikat.
1) Kami memberi pinjaman pada kadar faedah 3%.
2) Kami juga boleh membeli sebuah rumah pilihan anda dalam mana-mana lokasi pilihan anda.
Hari yang baik,
Adakah anda sedang mencari pinjaman, mencari pinjaman korporat, peribadi
pinjaman, pinjaman rumah, pinjaman kereta, pinjaman pelajar, pinjaman penyatuan,
pinjaman tidak bercagar, modal teroka dll. Adakah anda pinjaman bank atau kewangan
penolakan untuk satu atau lebih sebab. Anda berada di tempat yang betul untuk mendapatkan
penyelesaian pinjaman! Saya seorang pemberi pinjaman peribadi, saya memberi pinjaman kepada syarikat dan
individu yang mempunyai kadar faedah yang rendah dan kadar faedah yang rendah sebanyak 2%.
Hubungi kami melalui e-mel: albakerloanfirm@gmail.com
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