Malay to English translation
As we all know, food is the most important factor not only to the health of the body, but more important to the intelligence of the brain. Many believe that there are certain foods that can help strengthen memory and the mind and our mind is more intelligent.
In fact, the ancient Muslim scholars also have a secret formula for their own food and hidden in the traditional books in Arabic.
However, over the last century, Islamic scholar nutrition secrets tesembunyi of knowledge of the Arabs and other Muslims are trying to be brought back. The following nutritional formula adaklah genius-genius of Islam proved to be able to improve intelligence and memory power: HONEY
* Honey is a very nutritious food. Al-Quran recognizes the "Shifa" the cure of disease.
* Candied honey Medicine and the King can cure many diseases.
* It is food for overall health and contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, protein, antiseptic, and enzymes that enhance memory and mental fitness of individuals.
* Honey also contains many essential minerals such as calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, carbon, magnesium and sulfur to promote energy-mental and physical health.
* Honey is found to be effective for treating mental illnesses which can prevent fatigue brain works like thinking, reading, planning, and meetings.
Raisins Contains iron, which is needed to build the blood to ensure an adequate supply of oxygen to be distributed to the brain. -Lack of oxygen causes an easy slumber, forgetful, and the weak of mind.
Fresh milk -Milk is useful for brain health, sharpen memory, mental and physical energy. -Contains three natural elements of cheese, fat, and water is needed for the growth of body and brain. -Food is the most complete and nutritious yanag. It consists of six classes of food needed by the body of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, all kinds of vitamins, minerals and water. -It is healthy for the treatment of general health and is an effective antidote kelupaan. -Milk is best for mental acuity is a milk goat, sheep and cattle are healthy. Life milk more nutritious than milk dust.
Eggs Useful to increase brain power, weight and overall health care.
* Health experts recognize eggs are a complete and nutritious food.
* It contains protein, minerals, vitamins, calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, iron, water and extractive materials.
* Eggs, especially egg yellow, able to overcome the disadvantages of physical and mental energy.
* The best eggs are eggs village and is still new.
* It is very effective to avoid the often forgotten. It can be eaten raw or candied. The candied ginger candy made by boiling and mix it with sugar.
Lemon orange
* Nutrition to clean up the heart and veins increase the strength of mind.
* Orange is also good for other types of practice.
* It contains protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, and calories. Very effective unuk improve intelligence, especially in children.
* Young children are given a pigeon egg found the opportunity to speak earlier than kebiasannya
* Compared with all types of meat, chicken is considered a nutritional rates are highest.
* Chicken virgin females, particularly nutritious enhance performance and improve brain blood flow.
MEAT sheep
* Increase blood, suitable for active and working to increase the weight and strength to memorize.
* Mainly chicken and beef liver. Contains a variety of vitamins and beneficial to mental and physical health.
* Some types of nuts such as cashews, chestnuts, soy bean, Pistachio, and others.
* Pistachio nuts are believed to be particularly effective to improve the intelligence of children and it also contains high protein value.
* To improve the intelligence.
WHITE frankincense (incense Christian / Luban / Kundar)
* Pounded to pulp and eaten with sugar
* There is an amino acid in this vegetable which can strengthen the mental energy.
* Pounded until soft and eaten very little. It is useful to stimulate the vitality of mind and more energy for the body.
* Bearing the ability to increase mind and intellect. Recommended to include in any cooking pumpkin soup as it will increase the capacity of mind and intellect.
* Strengthen the memorization and body strength.
* Food directly or mixed with food in small quantities. Blood flow to the brain and strengthens memory.
Vegetables and fresh fruit
* Helps to increase the strength of mind and memory.
In fact, the ancient Muslim scholars also have a secret formula for their own food and hidden in the traditional books in Arabic.
However, over the last century, Islamic scholar nutrition secrets tesembunyi of knowledge of the Arabs and other Muslims are trying to be brought back. The following nutritional formula adaklah genius-genius of Islam proved to be able to improve intelligence and memory power: HONEY
* Honey is a very nutritious food. Al-Quran recognizes the "Shifa" the cure of disease.
* Candied honey Medicine and the King can cure many diseases.
* It is food for overall health and contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, protein, antiseptic, and enzymes that enhance memory and mental fitness of individuals.
* Honey also contains many essential minerals such as calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, carbon, magnesium and sulfur to promote energy-mental and physical health.
* Honey is found to be effective for treating mental illnesses which can prevent fatigue brain works like thinking, reading, planning, and meetings.
Raisins Contains iron, which is needed to build the blood to ensure an adequate supply of oxygen to be distributed to the brain. -Lack of oxygen causes an easy slumber, forgetful, and the weak of mind.
Fresh milk -Milk is useful for brain health, sharpen memory, mental and physical energy. -Contains three natural elements of cheese, fat, and water is needed for the growth of body and brain. -Food is the most complete and nutritious yanag. It consists of six classes of food needed by the body of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, all kinds of vitamins, minerals and water. -It is healthy for the treatment of general health and is an effective antidote kelupaan. -Milk is best for mental acuity is a milk goat, sheep and cattle are healthy. Life milk more nutritious than milk dust.
Eggs Useful to increase brain power, weight and overall health care.
* Health experts recognize eggs are a complete and nutritious food.
* It contains protein, minerals, vitamins, calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, iron, water and extractive materials.
* Eggs, especially egg yellow, able to overcome the disadvantages of physical and mental energy.
* The best eggs are eggs village and is still new.
* It is very effective to avoid the often forgotten. It can be eaten raw or candied. The candied ginger candy made by boiling and mix it with sugar.
Lemon orange
* Nutrition to clean up the heart and veins increase the strength of mind.
* Orange is also good for other types of practice.
* It contains protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, and calories. Very effective unuk improve intelligence, especially in children.
* Young children are given a pigeon egg found the opportunity to speak earlier than kebiasannya
* Compared with all types of meat, chicken is considered a nutritional rates are highest.
* Chicken virgin females, particularly nutritious enhance performance and improve brain blood flow.
MEAT sheep
* Increase blood, suitable for active and working to increase the weight and strength to memorize.
* Mainly chicken and beef liver. Contains a variety of vitamins and beneficial to mental and physical health.
* Some types of nuts such as cashews, chestnuts, soy bean, Pistachio, and others.
* Pistachio nuts are believed to be particularly effective to improve the intelligence of children and it also contains high protein value.
* To improve the intelligence.
WHITE frankincense (incense Christian / Luban / Kundar)
* Pounded to pulp and eaten with sugar
* There is an amino acid in this vegetable which can strengthen the mental energy.
* Pounded until soft and eaten very little. It is useful to stimulate the vitality of mind and more energy for the body.
* Bearing the ability to increase mind and intellect. Recommended to include in any cooking pumpkin soup as it will increase the capacity of mind and intellect.
* Strengthen the memorization and body strength.
* Food directly or mixed with food in small quantities. Blood flow to the brain and strengthens memory.
Vegetables and fresh fruit
* Helps to increase the strength of mind and memory.
Sumber : Majalah estidotmy keluaran Mac 2007 Ruangan Fakta Menarik

Malah, cendekiawan-cendekiawan Islam silam juga mempunyai rahsia dan formula makanan mereka tersendiri dan terpendam di dalam kitab-kitab tradisional dalam bahasa Arab.
Namun, sejak beberapa abad kebelakangan ini, rahsia pemakanan cendekiawan Islam yang tesembunyi dari pengetahuan orang Arab dan umat Islam lain ini cuba diketengahkan kembali. Berikut adaklah formula pemakanan genius-genius Islam yang terbukti berupaya meningkatkan kepintaran dan kekuatan daya ingatan :
- Madu adalah makanan yang amat berkhasiat. Al-Quran mengiktirafnya sebagai “shifa” iaitu penyembuh penyakit.
- Manisan madu digelar Raja Ubat dan dapat menyembuh kebanyakan penyakit.
- Ia adalah makanan untuk kesihatan keseluruhannya dan mengandungi pelbagai jenis vitamin, mineral, protein antiseptik, dan enzim yang meningkatkan ingatan dan kecerdasan mental individu.
- Madu juga mengandungi pelbagai zat galian yang penting seperti kalsium, sulfur, fosforus, zat besi, karbon, magnesium dan belerang untuk memupuk tenaga dan kesihatan fizikal-mental.
- Madu didapati berkesan untuk merawati penyakit-penyakit mental yang mana ia boleh menghindarkan kepenatan otak bekerja seperti berfikir, membaca, merancang, dan bermesyuarat.
KISMIS-Mengandungi zat besi yang amat diperlukan untuk membina darah bagi memastikan bekalan oksigen yang mencukupi untuk disalurkan ke otak.
-Kekurangan oksigen menyebabkan seseorang mudah mengantuk, pelupa, serta lemah fikiran.
SUSU SEGAR-Susu berguna untuk kesihatan otak, mempertajamkan ingatan, membekalkan tenaga mental dan fizikal.
-Mengandungi tiga unsur semulajadi iaitu keju, lemak, dan air yang amat diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan badan dan otak.
-Merupakan makanan yanag paling lengkap dan berkhasiat. Ia mengandungi enam kelas makanan yang amat diperlukan oleh tubuh badan iaitu karbohidrat, lemak, protein, semua jenis vitamin, mineral dan air.
-Ia berkhasiat untuk merawati kesihatan umum dan merupakan penawar kelupaan yang berkesan.-Susu yang terbaik untuk ketajaman minda ialah susu kambing, biri-biri dan lembu yang segar. Susu hidup lebih berkhasiat dari susu debu.
TELURBermanfaat untuk menambah kekuatan otak, badan dan menjaga kesihatan keseluruhannya.
- Pakar kesihatan mengakui telur merupakan makanan yang lengkap dan berkhasiat.
- Ia mengandungi protein, mineral, vitamin, kalsium, kuprum, magnesium, fosforus, kalium, sulfur, natrium, klorin, zat besi, air dan bahan ekstraktif.
- Telur terutama telur kuning, berupaya mengatasi masalah kelemahan tenaga fizikal dan minda.
- Telur yang terbaik ialah telur ayam kampong dan masih baru.
- Ia sangat mujarab untuk mengelak sering lupa. Ia boleh dimakan mentah atau dibuat halwa. Halwa ialah halia yang dijadikan manisan dengan merebus dan mencampurkannya dengan gula.
- Berkhasiat untuk mengemaskan urat-urat jantung dan menambah kekuatan fikiran.
- Limau jenis lain juga elok untuk diamalkan.
- Ia mengandungi protein, lemak, kalsium, fosforus dan kalori. Sangat efektif unuk meningkatkan kecerdasan terutama kanak-kanak.
- Kanak kanak yang diberi telur burung merpati didapati dapat bercakap lebih awal dari kebiasannya
- Berbanding dengan semua jenis daging, ayam dianggap mengandungi kadar zat pemakanan yang paling tinggi.
- Daging ayam betina dara terutamanya berkhasiat meningkatkan prestasi otak dan membaiki darah.
- Menambah darah, sesuai untuk orang aktif dan bekerja berat serta dapat meningkatkan kekuatan menghafal.
- Terutamanya hati ayam dan lembu. Mengandungi pelbagai jenis vitamin dan bermanfaat untuk kesihatan mental dan fizikal.
- Beberapa jenis kacang seperti gajus, berangan, kacang soya, pistachio dan lain-lain.
- Kacang pistachio dipercayai sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan terutamanya kanak-kanak dan ia juga mengandungi nilai protein yang tinggi.
- Untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan.
KEMENYAN PUTIH (Kemenyan Serani/Luban/Kundar)
- Ditumbuk halus-halus dan dimakan dengan gula
- Terdapat sejenis asid amino di dalam sayuran ini yang mampu menguatkan tenaga mental.
- Ditumbuk sehingga halus lalu dimakan sedikit sahaja. Ia berguna untuk merangsang kecergasan minda dan memberi lebih tenaga untuk badan.
- Berfaedah menambahkan keupayaan fikiran dan akal. Disarankan untuk memasukkan labu dalam sebarang masakan sup kerana ia mampu menambahkan kemampuan fikiran dan akal.
- Menguatkan hafalan dan menguatkan kekuatan badan.
- Dimakan terus atau dicampurkan dengan masakan dalam kuantiti yang kecil. Melancarkan peredaran darah ke bahagian otak serta menguatkan memori.
- Membantu meningkatkan kekuatan akal dan memori.